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Friday, March 28, 2014


Mistborn: The Final Empire (Mistborn #1)


4 stars

541 pages
Published July 25, 2006 by Tor Books

Wow. This book was actually pretty awesome. I enjoyed it immensely. Brandon Sanderson knows how to write an epic fantasy novel. He has created a world with well-thought-out rules and ways of life. And of course, his characters are fully fleshed out and real. I would have been disappointed if they weren't - Sanderson's novel has p.l.e.n.t.y. of pages to develop his characters. Yet if I had one gripe about the novel - it would be that ... the length. I know most fantasy books are long, long, long, but this one seemed like it could be condensed quite a bit. Some of his explanations on how the metals worked seemed redundant and overly verbose.

I am happy that the book had a good ending - enough questions remain to facilitate a sequel, but enough tied ends to make it a stand-alone book if you wanted to end it there. Which I may do, I haven't decided yet.

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